Men chat and women text - research
Men chat and women text - research Hehe, this is pretty true. :P Considering I prefer talking on the phone while Yi Wen texts. But 30 percent is not what I would call conclusive…
Men chat and women text - research Hehe, this is pretty true. :P Considering I prefer talking on the phone while Yi Wen texts. But 30 percent is not what I would call conclusive…
Jail for poor NS dodger who could not pay fine Looks like the Government, instead of making an example of dodgers, has made a very good example of itself, instead. This serves to highlight how the programme has been fraught with problems, from transportation problems, security and of course, rushing the bill through Parliament. We need to have a credible opposition. Where is it? Good for the Perlis Umno Youth to offer to help pay the fine.
That’s all of my assignments all done. Now to start blogging. :) First thing to do is to hit self on head for not discovering the new features of JAVA 1.5 [new window] earlier! {whack}. A friend just mentioned that foreach is now implemented in Java. Imagine how simple would that be: foreach (Bean in Sack) do somethinginstead of for(bean =1; bean <= beans in sack; next bean) As well as generics(from C/C++), which is a very powerful feature.
Some update about the sharks. The ever mighty Surfer(yours truly) has managed (barely) to outswim three of the four DeadLine sharks. One more to go… Until then, when I can start to blog properly! Bday update: My sweetie did a party for me! Complete with cake! and one more nice dinner! Yum, yum… Thanks, sweetie! :) A bit on the side: Here’s something I hope to complete. The Malaysian club here is refurbishing its website and i’m coordinating it.
Aye! Aye! my 21st Birthday! Yi Wen and me had a nice dinner courtesy of Visa Inc. who of course sends the bill to my dad. Thanks! Unfortunately that was the only time we had, there was not much time to organise a party as I’m pretty deep in the sea of assignments, swimming as fast as I can with four DEADline sharks at my tail…:P Actually it’s now three, one down, 3 to go.
Yay! Tonight was fun! We(my gf and me) went to a live stage acting of the Hobbit. I’m afraid to say this, but this is kind of the first time I’ve ever been to a live theatre with live actors and voice! So far, my experiences of the arts has been dance and ballet… So, for those who don’t know the story…it all starts with this, “In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.
Coincidence? All the clocks at uni today were all 10 minutes late. From the clock in the main lecture hall to the lab clock to the other lecture hall clock. Must be a prank. Then I went for squash and guess what? 10 minutes late as well! Now I’m thinking it might be the earthquake two days ago(can’t remember). Was sitting at home eating dinner when the ground shook a little.
One of my courses in uni this year is Ethical and Legal Issues for IT. This paper, I consider to be one of the few papers, which is totally out of sync with all my other courses(try comparing with Programming Languages, or even Database Systems. Still it is a very good place to discuss the many issues plaguing the IT field at the moment. Things such as privacy(supremely important in developed countries, but not so in say, Malaysia) or piracy, which is made easier by the digital format and the development of various new tools.
Strange to start a blog at the end :P But yeah, should have started a blog at the start of holidays, not the end. It’s amazing how two weeks can just fly by. Sleep, wake, sleep…. Now I think it’s time to finish up my assignments! Third year assignments are definitely more worthwhile in the sense that I learn something from it. The past two years was not really challenging as they were just stuff that can be treated as simple facts.