Duplicates and deadlocks

I have been using autotest soon after I discovered Rails. It’s awesome. One thing to note is that if you are getting duplicates and/or deadlock errors, it may just be because you have two autotests running at the same time. Just too freaky!

   technology, rails, ruby, deadlock, duplicate, autotest

Firefox 3 Beta 4 out

Firefox 3 Beta 4 is out! Nice to see some visual integration with the OS. I just realised https://gmail.com fails in Firefox 3. Google should really get a proper SSL certificate…

   ubuntu, ssl, firefox, gmail, firefox3

Random gnome-settings-daemon error

One random time (on the 5th of February), X crashed on me. Nothing special. But then the error message that came up after I logged back in was. The errror was something like: ** (gnome-settings-daemon:5559): WARNING **: Unable to connect to dbus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-zlCjJ68lrb: Connection refused (gnome-settings-daemon:5559): GnomeKbdIndicator-WARNING **: Unable to connect to dbus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-zlCjJ68lrb: Connection refused (gnome-settings-daemon:5559): GnomeKbdIndicator-WARNING **: Not connected to

   ubuntu gnome x11 dbus

Ubuntu Gutsy Upgrade

Ubuntu 7.10 - Gutsy Gibbon - has arrived. Since I can’t refuse the temptation of an upgrade, I took the plunge and downloaded the upgrade. Some one mentioned the torrent download, which will be faster than the server download. Spot on. Upgrading was a breeze. There was a slight problem with X not starting not, a little sleuthing revealed that my installation was not complete (namely, my kernel was still stuck on “generic”.

   trackerd, technology, ubuntu, compiz fusion, gutsy

CSS overflow

In the past, I would have problems with container divs not displaying properly, having zero size. So my container div would be displayed as a line, and the rest of my content would overflow out …. Urrgh.. So I would usually put <div style=“clear: both; height: 1%;”></div> But now, thanks to http://www.quirksmode.org/css/clearing.html, I have discovered the wonders of overflow: auto. :)

   technology, rambling, short

The wonders of GAIM

Have three (or more) different IMs but don’t want to login separately to all three? Friends swear by Yahoo Messenger, but refuse to use Google Talk. No fear, use GAIM (Pidgin)! It can combine all you IM accounts into one! :)

   technology, short

Personality Type

Thanks to John for pointing this test out. Quite accurate, though it does not take into account the magnitude? Your answers suggest you are a Realist The four aspects that make up this personality type are: Summary of Realists Loyal and steady workers who meet deadlinesBelieve in established rules and respect factsThink of themselves as mature, stable and conscientiousMay appear too logical or tough-minded and forget their impact on other people More about Realists Realists are loyal to the people around them and work hard to keep their promises.

   self, interesting, society

Watch what you are testing

uninitialized constant ApplicationController (NameError) may mean a lot of things, as a Google search for the term might attest. However, for me, it’s usually because I am trying the run the controller as a test! (I blame the ‘run’ button in Eclipse, too easy). Moral of the story? Might pay to check what you are running, and try Alt-X-U to start the test run manually.

   technology, work, ruby

More Events

Walking to work today, went past Westpac Lifeflight day - Coffee and donuts was given out instead of a sausage sizzle. Coffee and donuts?! I don’t what Westpac was thinking. Maybe it’s just me and my broken knee (I injured my knee). Noon came rise to futsal in the Civic Square. Turns out it was Brazillian National Day today, and one must celebrate with samba and football! Very nice, with sunshine and all.

   society, politics, events